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Additional Services

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening can be achieved in many ways. If you would like a whiter smile its important that you consider having a general check up prior to commencement of this treatment to ensure that your teeth and gums are healthy.

Snoring and Sleep Apnoea

Your sleep impacts every aspect of your health and daily life. Sleeping well helps you look, feel and perform your best. But a sleep problem can be harmful to your health and well-being. A common sleep problem is sleep apnea. This is a chronic condition that occurs when your muscles relax during sleep, allowing soft tissue to collapse and block the airway. As a result, repeated breathing pauses occur, which often reduce your oxygen levels. These breathing pauses are followed by brief awakenings that disturb your sleep.

Common signs of sleep apnea include snoring and gasping or choking sounds during sleep. Like snoring, sleep apnea is more common in men, but it can occur in women too, especially during and after menopause. Having excess body weight, a narrow airway or misaligned jaw all increase the risk of sleep apnea.

Snoring is extremely common in men, but also occurs frequently in women, especially during pregnancy and after menopause. Obesity,nasal obstruction, alcohol and smoking all increase the risk of snoring.

Wearing a sleep appliance is an effective treatment option for snoring and sleep apnea. A custom made sleep appliance can improve your sleep, restore your alertness and revitalize your health. Worn only during sleep, it fits like a mouth guard or an orthodontic retainer. It supports the jaw in a forward position to help maintain an open upper airway.

To gain more information regarding this topic please contact Kylie’s Family Dental.

Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth are the rear molars which usually come through around the late teens or early 20s. Sometimes they cause problems such as tooth decay and gum infections because there is not enough space for them, or because they are on an angle. Therefore, it is usually best to have problem wisdom teeth assessed early. If you are concerned about your wisdom teeth seek advice by contacting Kylie’s Family Dental.

Nursing Home Visit

Given that many older Australians are retaining their natural teeth, dental health for older people is more complex today than ever before. Increasing evidence is emerging that supports the link between oral health and overall levels of general health. Studies have shown that many residents being admitted to residential care facilities have compromised oral health and high levels of oral disease. In many cases it is going unchecked. It will deteriorate if oral hygiene and mouth care planning is not undertaken and implemented. In an effort to improve the level of oral health amongst people in residential aged care facilities our service at Kylie’s Family Dental extends to providing visits to Murroona Gardens on a monthly basis. Alternatively our new surgery in George Street has full wheel chair access. Anyone wishing to access these basic services at the nursing home should contact the surgery or Murroona Gardens.

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    Kylies Family Dental Bowen